Freedom and Determinism of the Guitar. From Baroque to Avant-garde

Riferimento: 9788881095346

Editore: Ut Orpheus
Autore: Andia Rafael
In commercio dal: 27 Aprile 2023
Pagine: 112 p., Libro in brossura
EAN: 9788881095346
16,50 €
Non disponibile


Rafael Andia proposes here a look at the techniques and writings that have created the guitar and continue to determine the very particular history of his instrument: the flamenco or classical guitar, as well as that of the twentieth century or that of the Habsburgs of 1600. The guitar dreamt of by the musicians of Impressionism or that of the Gypsies of the Tobacco Factory in Seville. He can thus weave links between the chitarra spagnuola of the Counter-Reformation and the Spectral School (École spectrale) of the 1970s. He reveals an instrument sometimes hesitating between a determinism imposed by other languages and the rediscovered freedom of its gestures, a guitar between submission to models and its own identity.
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Freedom and Determinism of the Guitar. From Baroque to Avant-garde

Freedom and Determinism of the Guitar. From Baroque to Avant-garde