Vyavaharasaukhya. The treatise on legal procedure in the Todarananda composed at the instance of Todaramalla during the reign of

Riferimento: 9788860323873

Editore: Società Editrice Fiorentina
Autore: Rocher L. (cur.)
Collana: Alti studi di storia delle religioni
In commercio dal: 21 Settembre 2016
Pagine: 276 p., Libro in brossura
EAN: 9788860323873
30,00 €
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Vyavaharasaukhya. The treatise on legal procedure in the Todarananda composed at the instance of Todaramalla during the reign of

Vyavaharasaukhya. The treatise on legal procedure in the Todarananda composed at the instance of Todaramalla during the reign of