Vegetarian and vegan adventures of a chef (The)

Riferimento: 9788898897773

Editore: Federighi
Autore: Continanza Federica
In commercio dal: 29 Ottobre 2020
Pagine: 96 p., Libro in brossura
EAN: 9788898897773
14,50 €
Non disponibile


Leafing through the pages of this book, every month we will immerse ourselves in the childhood memories of Chef Federica Continanza, between flavors and aromas of the Italian tradition and the innovation of her healty and tasty lifestyle! This is not only a collection of recipes, but also a fun calendar that reveals little secrets in the kitchen and explains how to make appetizing vegan and vegetarian dishes.
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Vegetarian and vegan adventures of a chef (The)

Vegetarian and vegan adventures of a chef (The)