Nina Beier. Marie Lund. The testimony, les sabots, the making of difference, the complete works. Nomas notes series. Ediz. multi

Riferimento: 9788890220289

Editore: Produzioni Nero
Autore: Canziani C. (cur.), Gianni I. (cur.)
In commercio dal: 21 Dicembre 2017
Pagine: 48 p., Libro
EAN: 9788890220289
20,00 €
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Nina Beier. Marie Lund. The testimony, les sabots, the making of difference, the complete works. Nomas notes series. Ediz. multi

Nina Beier. Marie Lund. The testimony, les sabots, the making of difference, the complete works. Nomas notes series. Ediz. multi