Recent progress in animal production science. Proceedings of the Aspa 13th Congress (Piacenza, 21-24 June 1999)

Riferimento: 9788846415356

Editore: Franco Angeli
Autore: Piva Gianfranco, Bertoni Giuseppe, Masoero Francesco, Bani Paolo, Calamari Luigi
In commercio dal: 01 Giugno 1999
Pagine: 832 p., Libro
EAN: 9788846415356
56,00 €
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Recent progress in animal production science. Proceedings of the Aspa 13th Congress (Piacenza, 21-24 June 1999)

Recent progress in animal production science. Proceedings of the Aspa 13th Congress (Piacenza, 21-24 June 1999)